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Photography Tips

Hello, guys! This is Magda here (@hobbez_) and, has i promissed, I will talk a little bit about Photography. Has you may, or may not know, I’m the one that takes the pictures for our Instagram. I’m a vet student and professional photographer at Tail Waggerz Pet Photography (feel free to follow!).

Ok, let’s start.

First of all, I truly know how hard it can be when you start on photography. The number one rule is: never give up. The number two rule is: be yourself. With Instagram, is really easy to fall in the idea that you have to follow the heard, to have photographs you can be proud of. That’s just not true. Try to be yourself, be proud of your work and the rest will follow.

The basics

When we talk about photography is important to have 3 concepts in your mind: ISO, aperture and shutter speed.

So what are these words?

Apperture - The aperture is a small set of blades in the lens that controls how much light will enter the camera. If you shoot with the aperture wide open, then more light is allowed into the camera than if the aperture is closed down to only allow a tiny hole of light to enter the camera. So suppose you take a picture that is too bright.  What can you do? Simply choose a smaller aperture. Aperture sizes are measured by f-stops.  A high f-stop like f-22 means that the aperture hole is quite small, and a low f-stop like f/3.5 means that the aperture is wide open.

The f stop also control the bluryness of the background. If you want a blury background you’ll have to have small f. Stop. For example, in this picture the you have an f.3.2 - so the background it's pretty blurry

Shutter Speed - The shutter is a small “curtain” in the camera that quickly rolls over the image sensor and allows light to shine onto the imaging sensor for a fraction of a second.

The longer the shutter allows light to shine onto the image sensor, the brighter the picture since more light is gathered.  A darker picture is produced when the shutter moves very quickly and only allows light to touch the imaging sensor for a tiny fraction of a second. The duration that the shutter allows light onto the image sensor is called the shutter speed, and is measured in fractions of a second.   If you want to take a picture of something in movememt you’ll have to have a higher sutter speed to avaid a blur.

So imagine you are photographing your dog and he’s sitting still. You can choose a low shutter speed (lets say 1/80). But if your doggo is running (or shaking up like Leah on the right) and you want to snap a picture of him right in that moment, your shutter speed has to be high (1/320)

ISO - The ISO controls the exposure by using software in the camera to make it extra sensitive to light.

A high ISO such as ISO 1,600 will produce a brighter picture than a lower ISO such as ISO 100. The drawback to increasing the ISO is that it makes the picture noisier.  Digital noise is apparent when a photo looks grainy. Have you ever taken a picture at night and notice how grainy it was? That the ISO being way to high to compensate the lower light and speed. You can take great picture at night, but choose a small ISO and a low shutter speed (you’ll also need a tripod for this).

Now that you understand, it takes time to get used to it but, once you do, the sky is the limit!

We need to talk about RAW

RAW is a file format that captures all image data recorded by the sensor when you take a photo.

When shooting in a format like JPEG image information is compressed and lost. Because no information is compressed with RAW you’re able to produce higher quality images, as well as correct problem images that would be unrecoverable if shot in the JPEG format.

The good news is almost every camera (and now some phones) these days shoot RAW.

So even if you’re using a little camera, you might still be able to take advantage of the RAW file format .

When you shot in raw you’ll:

· Get a higher quality level,

· Record greater levels of brightness

· Easly correct over/under exposed photos

· Better white balance adjustment


· Enjou non-destructive Editing

· Better color outputs

Last, but not least: The rule of thirds Photo composition is probably the most important and unnoticeable thing in photography. With a good composition you can take your photography to the next level.

The basic principle behind the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking an image down into thirds (both horizontally and vertically) so that you have 9 parts.

The theory is that if you place points of interest in the intersections or along the lines that your photo becomes more balanced and will enable a viewer of the image to interact with it more naturally.

Of course some people say “rules are to be broken” and, in some cases (photography speaking of course), its worth it. Just have in mind what it is that you want to stand out and experiment a lot.

Pet photography tips.

Now, when we talk about pet photography there are somethings that you have to have in mind.

For starters, your pet may or may not feel like posing for the picture. You can not force him to do something or act a certain way. So be patient and always reward him with POSITIVE feedback.

Next, dont be afraid to get dirty. When photographing a pet, you’ll want to be as the same level as him. And that usually means you’ll have to be on your knees or even lay down. Don't be afraid to get on the ground, I promise it will be worth it.

You’ll probably make a full of yourself. If your dog is like Calvin (the beagle), it’s going to be a little bit difficult to make him look at the camera. So, to get his attention, I commonly make weird sounds. You can try to make other animal noises, scream – not to scare him though, just to get his attention – ; say stuff like “catch!”, “lets go?!” “want a treat?!”. This will only work for a few seconds so be camera prepared.

Don’t forget to always reward him after!

And thats it! I think you are now ready to improve your photography game.

Take a lot of pictures, don't give up and feel free to share the result with us – just PM on @edelplass

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