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Paw protection with natural balm

What can you do when a mediterranean dog meets the snow?

During our trip to Norway, one of our biggest concerns were Cooper's paws. We knew that he would have to walk in weather conditions he wasn't used to. So we went to find some solutions.

We are all natural fans! So we thought we'd check AniForte® Paw-Protection Balm and we think it have worked like a charm.

That little cav walked and ran in the snow for almost 8 days in a row!

We put the balm several times a day and his paws were always hydrated and healthy. And he actually enjoy the massage we did to apply the balm.

This balm is made with only natural and high-quality ingredients (Beeswax, propolis, arnica and vaseline). It is not only for paw's protection (from the snow or road salt on the ground) but also it's a deep-acting treatment for cracked and dry paw pads in dogs and cats. Also ideal for the treatment or aftercare of worn, dry or flaky areas of skin.

How cool is that? And without chemicals in it!

You can buy the product here.

To finish this mini post, we leave you Cooper's spa massage 💆‍

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