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Norway - Visual Diary

Whenever we can, we take one of our dogs with us on our trips. This time we traveled more than 5000km away.

Norway is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It’s home to more natural wonders, such as the northen lights. It seemed the perfect opportunity to travel and take cooper with us.

I knew that for travel with one of our pups we had to be prepared. Well, actually cooper was the one that had to be prepared. Seeing and experience snow for the first time, below zero temperatures and 6 airplanes in 7 days it was going to be a truly new experience. So what did he needed? Well first of all a jacket is always a good ideia. We bought one from Hurta and it work nicely. Also, a good balm is important, to protect its little paws, specially if your pup is not use to snow (we use the one from Aniforte). Also, we bought a backpack to carry him in case he got tired. And do not forget a water flask and a fiber towel (yes, he was wet all the time)

We got to the airport at the eary hours in the morning. Cooper flew in cabine all the time.

Well for the the first two days we stayed in Oslo, to visit our family. It was the perfect opportunity to know a little bit more about the city, spent quality time with my parents and brother and to let Cooper see the snow for the first time. At first he loved it, then he hated it, then love it again. That’s Cooper.

Oslo is a very dog friendly city, as I think all Norway cities are.

We went exploring the city suburbs, and at the end of the day we enjoyed the beautiful Nordic sunset at the Oslo Opera House.

After a few days in Oslo we started our trip to Tromsø. Again, we flew domestic there.

We arrieved at eary hours. And it was as beautiful I had imagined. The montains surrended a small island were the plane landed. A very white, smoothing view and our Nordic experience had began.

After satled at our accommodation we went to the city centre. In case you don’t know, Tromso is a small city on the northen Norway, known as the North Capital.

We stopped at a burger house for a quick lunch and went to the tourism center. True be told I was a little disappointed about how little they knew about dog policies in the city. We did not know if Cooper was allowed at restaurants, stores or others places. But, we enter in several places and our little guy was always more than welcomed.

We went to Tromsø to try to have the ultimate Nordic experience: visit the fjords and seeing the Northern Lights. And if you are not accustomed to be in arctic nature, we suggest booking with a company. We did with Enjoy the Arctic and i did not regret it one bit. Cooper was more than welcomed and we just loved it. If you ever go to Tromsø, we highly recommend you to book with them.

I can not describe the Aurora burials experience. It's a unique sight that truly touches you in a way that, I believe, only nature can.

In the last day we went to visit the fjords with Horia (also from Enjoy the Arctic). Well, lets just say that you can't describe the artic, you have to live it. Hight, glorious contains covered in snow, a small campfire, reindeers, eagles and good company - the best way to end the journey.

Here are some images of our journey (taken by us of course):

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