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   Free-moving, elegant and noble appearance, these dogs are really the kings of our home. Their expression is very important and is undoubtedly one of the highlights in their standard, it must be sweet, gentle and (almost) impossible to resist.

   These small Spaniels weigh up to 8kg and can measure up to 33cm in height. They are well balanced and well proportioned dogs. The hair should be long (without exaggeration) and smooth (with slight curl), it should be left natural without any cuts.

   They belong to group 9, the group of toy dogs. There are 4 possible colors: Blenheim, Tricolor, Ruby and Black and Tan.

   Here you can see the full standard of the breed according to FCI.



  Loving, sweet, cheerful and very dependent on their owners. They love everyone, every animal, and so even the thief is welcome at home (they are not guard dogs at all).

   They don't bark much and manage to be calm and agitated in the right situations.

They love to please others and so they love to work. They are excellent assistance dogs (with children, old people or people with needs).

   They are intelligent and very adaptable to the lifestyle of their owners. If their owner stays in the couch all day, they will stay in the couch calm, but if the owner decides to go jogging they will follow him with all the pleasure and energy.

  Aggressiveness, fear and mistrust are 3 words that are not part of their dictionary.




We perform genetic tests to guarantee the 100% absence of these pathologies in all Edel Plass puppies. These tests are made at the LABOKLIN laboratory in Germany: ​

- Curly Coat Syndrome (Click here to learn more about this pathology)

- Dry Eye Syndrome (Click here to learn more about this pathology)

- Episodic Falling Syndrome (Click here to learn more about this pathology)



In 2018, the UK Kennel Club started the “Kennel Club Heart Scheme for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels”. This most recent protocol is highly recommended for all CKCS breeders who aim to reduce the risk of raising puppies affected with the myxomatous degenerative disease of the mitral valve, known as Mitral Valve Disease.

We follow this protocol. All our cavaliers are regularly evaluated by veterinary cardiologists with eco-doppler and are only bred when considered fit for breeding by the cardiologist.

You can read more about the protocol here.





All of our breeders undergo examinations to despite patellar luxation. ​

These tests are extremely important given the strong genetic component associated with this pathology. Read more about patellar luxation in Cavaliers here.

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All our dogs are tested for eye diseases. Some of the more important diseases are: hereditary congenital cataracts, retinal dysplasia, corneal dystrophy, retinal degeneration, among others.

You can read more about it here.


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We only breed dogs that do not have any signs of the disease or cases of syringomyelia diagnosed in the close family (kids, siblings, parents, grandparents). In addition, whenever possible, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is performed to screen for syringomyelia and chiari malformation.

You can read more about it here.

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